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Axiom v0.3.0

For users of the Axiom fork of the Halo2 stack.


This tutorial corresponds to the circuit type Halo2 based on Axiom v0.3.0. In particular, follow the guidelines described below if your circuitry is built on the v0.3.0 version of Axiom's halo2-base.


In this tutorial, we will work with a circuit that accepts some two-dimensional point and computes the distance from the origin to that point. This distance is made public, so that anyone can know what circle the point lies on, but not the point itself. Our Halo2 circuit is written via Axiom's simplified API v0.3.0 and makes use of this gadget for fixed precision operations. For the full circuit definition, consult this example in the sindri-resources repository. The remainder of this introduction will describe the operations taking place inside the circuit in greater detail; however, feel free to skip to the Circuit Configuration section to learn more about our Halo2 circuit requirements.

The public and private variables of the radius circuit.

Quantized Arithmetic

Initially, the circuit may seem quite trivial; it calculates one simple formula x2+y2\sqrt{x^2+y^2}. The principal complication is that xx and yy need not be integers, while all calculations must take place in a large finite field Fq\mathbb{F}_q. Before the pair xx and yy are passed into the circuit, they must be quantized. In other words, these floating point numbers pass through a map which finds their approximate counterparts in the field. An important feature of this map is that it reversible, so that we can dequantize any result from the circuit without a major loss in precision.

Quantization generally takes place over binary representations, rather than the base 10 decimal representations depicted here.

As for operations that take place inside our circuit, xxx*x, yyy*y, and their sum are straightforward. However, there is no parallel operation within a finite field for square roots of floating point numbers. The diagram below shows how the circuit approximates this value. Our basic strategy is to break the square root operation down into fundamental pieces, exponentiation and logarithms, and use polynomial approximation on those pieces. Calculating the value of a polynomial at any input is a sequence of multiplication and addition which we can readily implement over a finite field.

You may observe that we could have applied the polynomial approximation trick to the original square root curve. However, this strategy (approximating 2^x and log2(x)) is more versatile. You could easily calculate any non-integer power of a number with the same two polynomials.

Circuit Configuration

Sindri's Halo2 prover functions very similar to PSE's fork of Halo2; it will produce a zk-SNARK based on the SHPLONK commitment scheme using Blake2B as the hash function for the proof transcript. The only difference is that Sindri's version incorporates performance optimizations which include GPU acceleration. The Halo2 prover is a rust package of its own that specifies your circuit, called float-radius in this example, as an external dependency.

Here is what the circuit directory would look like before you compress everything and upload. There are some differences between the tree displayed below and what your local development directory might look like. You might use code in /src/bin that we won't need. However if your manifest needs that code to build, keep it in! We also do not need any executable targets. Including compiled code, such as anything in debug/ or target/ will cause an error during compilation.

┣ 📂src
┃ ┣ 📂bin
┃ ┃ ┗ 📜
┃ ┣ 📜
┃ ┣ 📜
┃ ┗ 📜
┣ 📜Cargo.lock
┣ 📜Cargo.toml
┣ 📜sindri.json
┣ 📜config.json
┣ 📜input.json
┗ 📜rust-toolchain

Any circuit you submit with type Axiom v0.3.0 should look similar to a halo2-scaffold circuit. In particular, you will need to implement the five functions depicted in grey blocks below. The CircuitInput struct (which may be renamed in your project) contains all of the input to a circuit. Sindri's proving backend will instantiate this with the default constructor for key generation, and then via the from_json function for any proof request. The create_circuit function is where you define your circuit operation given the inputs from CircuitInput. If you have previously developed a circuit based on Axiom's halo2-scaffold, the create_circuit function will absorb all of the code you wrote for some_algorithm_in_zk. The circuit used for proving should be returned by create_circuit which returns a builder either in keygen or prove mode. Finally, you'll need to implement the instance and break_points functions which are relatively straightforward assuming you've created a builder struct on top of the RangewithInstanceCircuitBuilder.

High level schematic of the radius circuit, as defined in

Below, we offer some more guidance on the five required functions and their signatures.

The default constructor is invoked during key generation while your circuit is being compiled. Here, we pass the pair (1.0,1.0)(1.0,1.0) to the circuit input struct. We also pass the dummy field variable _marker since our circuit is over a finite field but this dependence is not explicit during the initial input phase (since xx and yy are floats).


There are two JSON files specific to the Sindri API that this circuit upload includes. Below, we will outline what each field accomplishes.

The package and class name fields correspond to what you have called your Cargo package (in the .toml file) and the full import path to your circuit input struct. You have two choices for the threadBuilder field: either GateThreadBuilder or RlcThreadBuilder from the axiom-eth package. See Axiom's halo2-lib documentation here for more information on thread builders. Finally, the degree you specify allows Sindri to pull the correct size trusted setup file during circuit compilation.


A good way to ensure that your circuit is compatible with the Sindri's Halo2 prover is to copy the code in src/bin/ and revise any of the relevant circuit struct names. If you can successfully execute that code locally, then it should be compatible.

Sindri API

We'll walk through the steps to upload the packaged circuit to Sindri, generate proofs, and verify those proofs locally. The following codeblock will pull the necessary code, install any dependencies, and run circuit compilation through (client-side) verification. You will need to replace <my-key> with your Sindri API key to authenticate all requests to the API (see Api Authentication).

# Clone the sindri-resources repository and move into the `float_radius` tutorial.
git clone
cd sindri-resources/circuit_tutorials/halo2/axiom-v0.3.0/float_radius/

# Replace <my-key> with your own Sindri API key and save as an env var
export SINDRI_API_KEY=<my-key>

cargo run --bin compile
cargo run --bin prove
cargo run --bin verify

The following sections will describe what took place as you invoked the last three lines in the codeblock above. The three binaries are defined in the zk-execute package which shares a workspace with our circuit code described in the previous section. While compile and prove communicate with Sindri's API, the verify binary only loads the required arguments produced from the previous two steps and calls the halo2 method verify_proof to check the validity of the returned data.

Upload & Compile

To compile our circuit, we first need to create a gzipped tar archive of our circuit directory and upload it to the circuit create endpoint. Our sindri.json file will be included in the tarball and indicates that the circuitType is halo2 and that float-radius is the name of the circuit. Uploading this tarball will automatically trigger circuit compilation. After sending the compilation request, we initiate polling. Since compiling a circuit and requesting a proof from that circuit will both involve the same functionality, we feature that function inside our common utility code:

Output -
Compiling circuit
Circuit ID: "d01ceedf-329d-4df8-8b2d-d0679732df25"
Polling exited after 25 seconds with status: "Ready"
Saving circuit details locally
Abridged ./data/compile_out.json
"circuit_id": "d01ceedf-329d-4df8-8b2d-d0679732df25",
"circuit_name": "float-radius",
"circuit_type": "halo2",
"class_name": "radius_circuit::circuit_def::CircuitInput",
"compute_times": {
"clean_up": 0.0961455386132002,
"compile": 25.735420921817425,
"download_trusted_setup_file": 0.00015453435480594635,
"file_setup": 1.4096760787069798,
"generate_keys": 0.7937725819647312,
"queued": 1.330564,
"save_results": 0.05844421312212944,
"total": 28.093873316422105
"curve": "KZG bn254",
"date_created": "2023-12-08T17:59:51.679Z",
"degree": 13,
"error": null,
"halo2_version": "axiom-v0.3.0",
"metadata": {
"api_version": "v1.5.17",
"prover_backend_version": "v0.3.0"
"package_name": "radius-circuit",
"status": "Ready",
"thread_builder": "GateThreadBuilder",
"trusted_setup_file": "kzg_bn254_15.srs",
"verification_key": {
"data": "AAAADwAAAAXjd..."

Circuit compilation has accomplished three things:

  1. The prover binary executable has been built utilizing the uploaded circuit code.
  2. Proving and verification keys have been produced and serialized; if our polling request had set include_verification_key to True then we could have extracted that key (encoded as a base64 string) for local verification.
  3. The breakpoints of the circuit have been serialized and are available for each subsequent proof.


For this proof we will submit the following two float values. After Sindri's API returns the instance vector, we can decode and dequantize this result to ensure that it matches what we expect: x2+y2=6.152642\sqrt{x^2+y^2} =6.152642.


The file above is loaded into a JSON formatted string and sent to the prove endpoint. Right after we send the request for a proof, we start polling. Details about the proof are requested every second until the proof status field indicates the proof is ready.

Output -
Reading circuit details locally
Reading proof input from example-input.json
Requesting a proof
Polling exited after 4 seconds with status: "Ready"
Saving proof details locally
Abridged ./data/prove_out.json
"circuit_id": "d01ceedf-329d-4df8-8b2d-d0679732df25",
"circuit_name": "float-radius",
"circuit_type": "halo2",
"compute_times": {
"clean_up": 0.008553169667720795,
"create_proof": 0.878308658,
"file_setup": 1.5205974914133549,
"prove": 1.0356456451117992,
"queued": 0.950894,
"read_proving_key": 0.04658151,
"read_setup": 0.004306668,
"save_results": 0.001869363710284233,
"total": 2.5671290811151266
"date_created": "2023-12-08T18:01:40.451Z",
"error": null,
"metadata": {
"api_version": "v1.5.17",
"prover_backend_version": "v0.3.0"
"proof": {
"data": "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"
"proof_id": "391dd53c-0d55-43c2-b1e9-2075755d62d0",
"public": {
"status": "Ready",
"verification_key": {
"data": "AAAADwAAAAXjd..."


In order to decode the public data field returned from the API, we use the same FixedPointChip from our circuit definition source code. As a final check, we also load the proof and verification_key fields from the proof detail output and use the halo2_proofs package to verify the proof.

Output -
Reading proof details locally
The claimed radius for this proof: 6.1525699608027935

k: 15, extended_k: 17
Verifying Proof + Public
Verification Successful!

We expected 6.1526426.152642 given the input, so our floating point circuit result is accurate up to three significant figures. Recall that the circuit's implementation of the square root function involves approximations of both 2k2^k and log2(k)\log_2(k)which account for most of the difference. If our application required more precision than this, we could have increased the PRECISION_BITS field in our original circuit code.


The code above sets two environment variables: LOOKUP_BITS and FLEX_GATE_CONFIG_PARAMS. These values are required so that the VerifyingKey struct has the correct format when we load it from the base64 byte-encoded value returned from the API. As you develop with halo2-lib, using Axiom's halo2-scaffold as a starting point, you may find it useful to examine all environment variables which are set as you perform various functions of the circuit (e.g. key generation, proof generation, etc.). Once you determine the values of these variables locally, you can reproduce the exact same circuit configuration parameters within Sindri's API via the config.json file described at the end of the Circuit Configuration section.