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Circuit Proofs



List all proofs for a circuit.


Path Parameters

    circuit_id stringrequired

    The circuit identifer of the circuit. This can take one of the following forms:

    1. <CIRCUIT_ID> - The unique UUID4 ID for an exact version of a compiled circuit.
    2. <CIRCUIT_NAME> - The name of a circuit owned by the authenticated team. This will default to the most recent version of the circuit tagged as latest.
    3. <CIRCUIT_NAME>:<TAG> - The name of a circuit owned by the authenticated team and an explicit tag. This corresponds to the most recent compilation of the circuit with the specified tag.
    4. <TEAM_NAME>/<CIRCUIT_NAME> - The name of a circuit owned by the specified team. This will default to the most recent version of the circuit tagged as latest.
    5. <TEAM_NAME>/<CIRCUIT_NAME>:<TAG> - The name of a circuit owned by a specified team and an explicit tag. This corresponds to the most recent compilation of the team's circuit with the specified tag.


  • Array [

  • proof_id uuid4required

    A unique identifier generated for the proof. UUID4 format.

    circuit_name Circuit Name (string)requireddeprecated
    project_name Project Name (string)required

    The name of the project associated with this proof.

    circuit_id uuid4required

    The circuit_id of the circuit associated with this proof. UUID4 format.

    circuit_type CircuitType (string)required

    Possible values: [boojum, circom, gnark, halo2, jolt, noir, plonky2]

    CircuitType choices

    date_created date-timerequired

    The UTC datetime the circuit was uploaded in ISO8601 format.


    Metadata keys and values for the proof that were specified at creation time.

    property name* string
    perform_verify Verify Check (boolean)required

    A boolean indicating whether an internal verification check occurred during the proof creation.

    status JobStatus (string)required

    Possible values: [Queued, In Progress, Ready, Failed]

    JobStatus choices

    team Team Name (string)required

    The name of the team that owns this proof.

    team_avatar_url Team Avatar Url (string)required

    URL for the avatar image of the team that owns this proof.

    team_slug Team Slug (string)required

    The slug of the team that owns this proof.

    circuit_team Circuit Team Name (string)required

    The name of the team that owns the circuit associated with this proof.

    circuit_team_avatar_url Circuit Team Avatar Url (string)required

    URL for the avatar image of the team that owns the circuit associated with this proof.

    circuit_team_slug Circuit Team Slug (string)required

    The slug of the team that owns the circuit associated with this proof.

    compute_time durationnullable

    Total compute time in ISO8601 format.

    compute_time_sec Compute Time Seconds (number)nullable

    Total compute time in seconds.

    compute_times Compute Timesnullable

    Detailed compute times for the proof generation.

    file_size File Size (integer)nullable

    Total size of stored file(s) in bytes.

    proof objectnullable

    The succinct argument(s) of knowledge.

    public Publicnullable

    The public outputs of the circuit.

    queue_time durationnullable

    Queue time in ISO8601 format.

    queue_time_sec Queue Time Seconds (number)nullable

    Queue time in seconds.

    smart_contract_calldata Smart Contract Calldata (string)nullable

    The proof and public formatted as calldata for the smart contract verifier.

    has_smart_contract_calldata Has Smart Contract Calldata (boolean)

    Boolean indicating whether this proof has smart contract calldata available.

    has_verification_key Has Verification Key (boolean)

    Boolean indicating whether this proof's circuit has a verification key available.

    verification_key objectnullable

    The verification key of this circuit.

    warnings string[]nullable

    A list of runtime warnings with UTC timestamps.

    error Error (string)nullable

    The error message for a failed proof.

  • ]
