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Delete Circuit



Mark the specified circuit and any of its related proofs as deleted.


Path Parameters

    circuit_id stringrequired

    The circuit identifer of the circuit. This can take one of the following forms:

    1. <CIRCUIT_ID> - The unique UUID4 ID for an exact version of a compiled circuit.
    2. <CIRCUIT_NAME> - The name of a circuit owned by the authenticated team. This will default to the most recent version of the circuit tagged as latest.
    3. <CIRCUIT_NAME>:<TAG> - The name of a circuit owned by the authenticated team and an explicit tag. This corresponds to the most recent compilation of the circuit with the specified tag.
    4. <TEAM_NAME>/<CIRCUIT_NAME> - The name of a circuit owned by the specified team. This will default to the most recent version of the circuit tagged as latest.
    5. <TEAM_NAME>/<CIRCUIT_NAME>:<TAG> - The name of a circuit owned by a specified team and an explicit tag. This corresponds to the most recent compilation of the team's circuit with the specified tag.


    success Success (boolean)

    Default value: true
